
A Four Hour Cuddle

The highlight of my day was definitely my 4 hour cuddle with my wonderful, gorgeous, magnificent son. Highlight of my day? I mean highlight of my life! It was amazing to hold him for a whole four hours and see him so settled and at peace.

He is doing well – still full of canulas and the like although his antibiotics were ceased today. He is still on TPN until he is on full feeds and still needs his stimulant intravenously so the canulas must stay till for another three days.

The doctors, residents and fellows know I need to know every detail of E’s progress and I have become much a part of the morning routine – I never would have believed it but I really feel quite comfortable here.

I told E the story of his dad’s trip to Melbourne today and it became his favourite story although I must admit there is not much too it. We drive to the airport and I drop him at arrivals instead of departures and then he flies to Melbourne. Hey, E is still young and likes the sound of my voice so he'll take what he can get. I do try to be very expressive to get the true drama of the story across.


  1. How big was he by this time?

    After spending a bit of time in a hosp lately I have realised you have to be the squeaky wheel to get any news or updates.

    I am past the point of "not wanting to bother them"

    Great read x

  2. Love storytime material! So happy you got such a long and wubsy cuddle!

  3. I think your story telling abilities have come a long way since those early days. It's very special to be sharing this journey with you.
