
First Day at Home

I was ready for my first full day with my son forever grateful that M had taken the week off work. We took E for his first ever real walk in the pram at about lunch time. It was great to take him out and he loves the pram. We walked up to the park and sat there for a while. I am still a little neurotic about the fumes from the cars etc but I did my best not to show it and just let him enjoy the outside air. It was quite a hot day and as we are not used to varying temperatures I think we overheated him a bit so we did a bit of a strip down of the blankets when we got home and I am sure he did not notice the difference.

In the afternoon we had to take him to the GP for the last of his 2 month immunisations – his polio drops. These are a live vaccine so they cannot be given in the hospital. I had been a bit nervous about these as I had heard that they were very bitter but no fear E loved them and gulped them down with relish. Dr T told me that he adds syrup to the drops. What a doctor! This was Ethan’s first public showing outside of NCC and the reaction was as expected. No one could believe how small he is. When Dr T looked at him his first words were ”Sies Tog” (a South African expression for... well for sies tog, kind of like nothing I can translate but basically the doctor thought he was tiny) and the ladies in the waiting room were positively stunned at his small size. He is very special!! My first experience out showed me that I was a bit disorganised, I had forgotten to bring along all his medical records, blue book etc – I guess I just have to get used to being a mom.

I do not remember the night too well so it could not have been to bad but I am sure that M will differ with me on that. I do however know for certain that relaxing music (most specifically “Music for Dreaming”) calms E (and M and I) well and it is constantly playing in our room (his room for the moment). Our other favourite trump is the bath. We gave him a bath and then had a hard time waking him for food. Next time it will have to be food and then a bath.

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