E is magnificent.
The results of his routine brain scan came back and everything is normal. 12: 05pm - The doctor has just told me that E is a Level 2 baby. Yahoo! Our baby will move to Level 2 this afternoon. This is a huge step forward and one tiny step closer to home.
We finished reading our first book – Winnie the Pooh.
E is now in Level 2. I am still getting used to the place. It is very noisy. There are lots of alarms and crying babies. It makes you realise how sick the babies in level 3 are - not much crying from babies that are attached to ventilators, so although I absolutely abhor the sound of crying babies I know that this is a healthier environment. Let me stress at this time that it is not that I have anything against crying babies, it is just that I so badly want to comfort anyone that cries, it is like my maternal instinct kicks into overdrive and I rush into placate mode. Cry near me and I am likely to pat you and soothe you. That is just me.
This afternoon E did not saturate well lying on his back. On his tummy however, he is perfect. I am already known on the ward as a neurotic. I don’t like to think of it as neurotic, I prefer to say I just care very deeply about my child in a way that may be deemed overkill by people who fail to see that I am right.
Dr C phoned this afternoon to say congratulations on E's graduation to Level 2. I am very proud of him. I am also so very proud of E.
M and I are not spending a lot of time at home. We prefer to be near our offspring (funny that) but when we are at home we are putting all our energy into getting things ready for our man’s homecoming. We are exhausted and stressed. There have been some really bad days, we have been hugely emotional and stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed but thank God we can take that stress out on putting up wallpaper strips and assembling cots. God knows I'd like to use the hammer some other way but knocking nails in the cot is a good diversion. Neither of us has ever had to deal with anything like this before and so while we both face our fears and acknowledge our frailties we try and support each other (and not strangle each other with the pretty wallpaper border). We are lucky to have the love and strength that we share.
My milk supply is abysmal